
Category: Real Estate

  • How a 24 Year Old Creates Passive Income from $40 Million In Multifamily

    How a 24 Year Old Creates Passive Income from $40 Million In Multifamily

    Passive Income A few months ago, my teenage son approached me and asked, “Dad, when I get older, can you teach me about that real estate stuff you’re always reading about?” For those of you that have teenagers, not only was I just completely surprised that he wanted to learn about something, but he actually…

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  • How To Tell If A Passive Real Estate Deal Is Good Or Not

    How To Tell If A Passive Real Estate Deal Is Good Or Not

    Real Estate Executive Summary – What Does A Good Deal Look Like? One of the top questions members of our Passive Investors Circle typically ask is, “What does a good real estate deal look like?” To answer that question, we must first look at how most of the real estate syndication deals are marketed to investors.…

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  • 7 Steps To Investing In Your First Apartment Syndication

    7 Steps To Investing In Your First Apartment Syndication

    7 Steps To Investing In Your First Apartment Syndication If you’re anything like I used to be, the only real estate transactions you’re familiar with is purchasing a home. Do you remember the process you went through when you bought your first home? It probably went something like this…. Initially you decided you wanted to…

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  • Equity Multiple In Real Estate – What You Should Know

    Equity Multiple In Real Estate – What You Should Know

    Equity Multiple Real Estate I had a call today with an owner of a marketing company to discuss different strategies I’d like to look into for next year regarding my periodontal practice. I actually found her through someone that I currently passively invest with in real estate syndications. She’s married with five kids and loved…

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  • Dave Ramsey Mortgage Advice – Should You Buy A House With Student Loans?

    Dave Ramsey Mortgage Advice – Should You Buy A House With Student Loans?

    Dave Ramsey Mortgage Advice – Should You Buy A House With Student Loans? A topic about mortgages appeared recently on Dental Town, which is the world’s largest online community for dentists. The post discussed a video (see below) in which the wife of a recent dental school grad that called in to get some Dave…

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  • 7 Impressive Benefits To Mobile Home Investing

    7 Impressive Benefits To Mobile Home Investing

    Mobile Home Investing Whenever I see a patient for the first time, I like to find out a little more about them before diving into the real reason they’re visiting our clinic. One of the ways I do this is by asking them about their likes/interests/hobbies on one of our intake forms. Recently, one of…

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  • 7 Minutes to Financial Success: The ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Recap

    7 Minutes to Financial Success: The ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Recap

    Rich Dad Poor Dad Summary Occasionally, I receive so much information on my desk that finding material to write about is a cinch. On the other hand, I sometimes need help coming up with topics that would benefit you, so I reach out to other bloggers for help. So recently, I did just that. I…

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  • Cost Segregation Study – How To Seriously Lower Your Taxes

    Cost Segregation Study – How To Seriously Lower Your Taxes

    Cost Segregation Study One of the biggest expenses doctors and other high-income earners face are taxes. In the past, I’ve shared tax strategies that can help us save thousands or more per year. Now, I want to make it clear that I’m a periodontist and NOT a CPA. If you have tax questions, especially when…

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  • Passive vs Nonpassive Income – Which Is Best?

    Passive vs Nonpassive Income – Which Is Best?

    Passive Vs Nonpassive Income Up until a few short years ago, I thought all income was equal. Growing up, all the money I earned was from a lawn service I started in junior high school. It provided me with a nice income up until the time I started dental school at LSU. When I thought…

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  • Benefits And Risks Of Turnkey Real Estate Investing

    Benefits And Risks Of Turnkey Real Estate Investing

    Turnkey Real Estate Investing When I was first debating whether to become an active or passive real estate investor, single family homes seemed the logical choice to start with if I chose the active route. Another reason was I thought focusing on fully renovated local property (vs long distance property) would put me at ease…

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  • 4 Reasons To Create Passive Income With Multifamily Syndication

    4 Reasons To Create Passive Income With Multifamily Syndication

    Multifamily Syndication A 46 year old dentist recently posted on Dentaltown asking for investing advice regarding his working towards an early “exit from teeth” over the next few years. He essentially is shooting for fatFIRE. He partnered with a larger corporate group which is going to be paying him to acquire 60% of his practice…

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  • Cash On Cash Return: #1 Factor To Evaluate A Deal

    Cash On Cash Return: #1 Factor To Evaluate A Deal

    Cash On Cash Return Recently I wrote about how I lost quite a bit of money investing in a crowdfunding deal that promised a high cash yield with RealtyShares a few years ago. This mistake was totally on me as I didn’t do my part to know what I was really investing in. I put…

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