
Category: Real Estate

  • Multiple Streams of Income – 4 Ways To Make Money In Real Estate

    Multiple Streams of Income – 4 Ways To Make Money In Real Estate

    Multiple Streams of Income – How To Make Money In Real Estate Are you where you want to be in your financial journey? Most doctors and other high-income earners that initially join the Passive Investors Circle typically don’t seem to be. Why? For the most part, they haven’t taken the time to evaluate their investments.…

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  • 7 Ways to Invest in Real Estate Without Buying Property

    7 Ways to Invest in Real Estate Without Buying Property

    7 Ways to Invest in Real Estate Without Buying Property [Editor’s Note: Today’s article is a guest post from Andrew, the founder of Wealthy Nickel. He has a passion for helping people pursue financial freedom through saving money, making money, and building wealth. Andrew documents his family’s journey to financial independence through side hustles while…

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  • What’s The Preferred Return In Real Estate Investing?

    What’s The Preferred Return In Real Estate Investing?

    Preferred Return A new member in our Passive Investors Circle asked a question that many investors also want to know….the return on investment. More specifically, she asked about something that she’d heard discussed on a podcast, the preferred return or “pref”. Her question was: When a syndicator purchases an apartment complex, how can they determine…

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  • Want Lower Taxes? Here’s How Passive Income Is Taxed

    Want Lower Taxes? Here’s How Passive Income Is Taxed

    How Is Passive Income Taxed? If you’re an avid reader of the Debt Free Dr site, then you know how much I stress the importance of creating multiple streams of passive income. Related article: Passive vs Nonpassive Income: Which is best? If you want to work until you physically can’t work anymore, then you don’t…

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  • How to Invest in Agriculture: 5 Ways to Profit Without Farming

    How to Invest in Agriculture: 5 Ways to Profit Without Farming

    How to Invest in Agriculture: Five Easy Ways to Profit ($$$) Without Farming [Editor’s Note: Today’s article in a guest post from Michael Dinich who blogs over at Your Money Geek.  He’s worked in the personal finance industry since 1999, where he helped families plan for retirement, reduce taxes, eliminate unnecessary expenses, and plan their estates.]…

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  • Mobile Home Park Investing For Passive Investors

    Mobile Home Park Investing For Passive Investors

    Mobile Home Park Investing For Passive Investors A couple of months ago I decided to listen to a podcast called the Millionaire Mindcast Podcast. I must admit that it really opened my mind to how millionaires think about investing and money. Paul Moore of Wellings Capital was an interviewee who had a fantastic story and…

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  • What Is A Good Cap Rate And Why It Matters

    What Is A Good Cap Rate And Why It Matters

    What Is A Good Cap Rate? When I first started passively investing in real estate a few years ago as a periodontist, I began with zero real estate experience. This is similar to the many doctors turned real estate investors I speak with weekly. As someone that loves to read, this didn’t bother me too…

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  • How To Build Wealth With Real Estate – 5 Ways

    How To Build Wealth With Real Estate – 5 Ways

    How To Build Wealth With Real Estate – 5 Ways I recently had an interesting call with a new member of the Passive Investors Circle. He wanted to start investing in real estate but ultimately admitted that fear was holding him back. Once I dug in to learn a bit more of his situation, he…

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  • The Ultimate Guide To A Real Estate Syndication Structure

    The Ultimate Guide To A Real Estate Syndication Structure

    Real Estate Syndication Structure It’s amazing how many doctors and other high-income professional members of our Passive Investors Circle that have never heard of real estate syndications. I hadn’t either until a few years ago. Today it seems that more doctors are in search of building passive income streams and syndications are a great way…

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  • Grant Cardone Real Estate Guru – 9 Money Rules

    Grant Cardone Real Estate Guru – 9 Money Rules

    Grant Cardone Real Estate Guru – 9 Rules To Get Your Money Right Whether you love him or hate him, Grant Cardone has a HUGE following when it comes to playing the money game. I first stumbled on to him after reading his book The 10X Rule. It inspired me to stop setting goals that…

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  • Is Farmland a Good Investment? What You Need to Know

    Is Farmland a Good Investment? What You Need to Know

    Is Farmland a Good Investment? What You Need to Know [Editor’s Note: Today’s article in a guest post from Michael Dinich who blogs over at Your Money Geek.  He’s worked in the personal finance industry since 1999, where he helped families plan for retirement, reduce taxes, eliminate unnecessary expenses, and plan their estates.] Take it away…

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  • 506b vs 506c – What Passive Investors Should Know

    506b vs 506c – What Passive Investors Should Know

    506b vs 506c When I first started investing in a real estate syndication, one of the terms that I kept hearing about was Rule 506 of Regulation D. My first thought was, “What you talkin ’bout Willis?” As a periodontist with no background in investing in real estate, I had to spend months on self-educating…

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