Category: Personal Finance
Is a 401k Worth It Anymore?
Is a 401k Worth It Anymore? In several conversations lately, I’ve been mentioning the phrase, “You don’t know what you don’t know” quite often. Take for instance, a 401k or any type of retirement plan that we’ve been told is the BEST investment strategy for retirement. If this is the ONLY option you’re given, then…
Rich People vs Poor People – 7 Key Differences
It seems that some people think “becoming rich” is a bad thing. Take for instance a recent Dave Ramsey Show rant titled, “Should Billionaires Be Allowed To Exist?” Someone email him an article written in the New York Times about “abolishing billionaires”. Here’s a few lines from the article: “Some ideas about how to make…
VTSAX vs VOO – Which One Is Better?
As long as I can remember I’ve always had an interest for investing. Maybe it stems from my “lawn mowing” days in high school where I learned firsthand working for myself and making my own money was the way to go. I loved working on my own schedule and not someone else’s. One of the…
Mindset Is Everything: The Key To Investing Success
“Get your mind right son!” This is what I’d hear each time I stepped into the gym when I was living in South Louisiana from one of the “regulars”. I was fresh out of dental school and didn’t know what he was really trying to do…I just thought he was being funny. It took years…
Failure Is The Key To Success
You failed your math test. Your football team was defeated last night in the playoffs. You lost your tennis match yesterday. You’re an epic failure. If you’re like most people, you probably have a bad relationship with failure. I know I have. Look, I understand that nobody wants to fail. For most people, the word…
Top 5 Things You Should Do With Excess Cash
“Hey Jeff, I’ve got an extra $300K in surplus cash parked in a savings account earning zero interest, what should I do with it?” It’s not uncommon to receive questions like this each month. This stems from people spending less during the pandemic plus depositing the excessive “stimulus” checks that’s been handed out like M&M’s…
How To Invest For Capital Preservation
“Rule No. 1 is never lose money. Rule No. 2 is never forget Rule No.1.” – Warren Buffett If one of the greatest investors ever tells us the MOST important rule to reach our financial goals is to NEVER lose money, do you think we should pay attention? He didn’t mention about investing in real estate,…
What If Money CAN Buy Happiness?
“Money can’t buy happiness…but it CAN buy cows, right? And cows produce milk, and milk makes ice cream, and ice cream makes you happy.“ This is the type of stuff I think about when my brain is in “relaxation” mode while eating Huckleberry ice cream at my favorite Montana resort, Paws Up. Whether you realize…
What Is FU Money?
There are many things money can buy, but the most important one of all is freedom. With regards to freedom, I’m specifically talking about being able to do: what you want when you want for as long as you want with whomever you want And the best way that can be accomplished is with something…
How To Become A Millionaire From Nothing (5 Steps)
Everybody wants to be a millionaire, right? If you’re a doctor or other high income earner then you may think you’d have a better chance of attaining millionaire status vs the average person. Not so fast. Not only do we start practicing later in life (sometimes in mid to late 30’s) but our debt load…
Here’s What Dave Ramsey Thinks Of Cryptocurrency
It seems as if I missed the boat again. Back in early 2016, my wife and I were at a tennis camp in Miami. One of the other players introduced himself as being in the “crypto” space. I had no idea about Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency and shrugged it off. He told me to…