
Category: Passive Income

  • How To Invest 100k In Real Estate For Passive Income

    How To Invest 100k In Real Estate For Passive Income

    How To Invest 100k In Real Estate For Passive Income Investing $100,000 in real estate can be a strategic move toward financial success. I should know, as once I started investing extra money outside the stock market ten years ago, things started to change (for the better). In case you haven’t noticed, numerous investment strategies…

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  • (9 Ways) How To Make $100k A Year In Passive Income

    (9 Ways) How To Make $100k A Year In Passive Income

    (9 Ways) How To Make $100k A Year In Passive Income I recently spoke with a new Passive Investor Circle member (48-year-old endodontist) to help create a game plan for his financial future. One of the first questions I ask new members is, “What are you trying to accomplish?” Most people don’t have an answer…

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  • Passive Income vs Active Income: The Ultimate Showdown

    Passive Income vs Active Income: The Ultimate Showdown

    Passive Income vs Active Income: The Ultimate Showdown It’s funny that I went to college and dental school to inevitably make money yet was never taught the difference between passive income vs active income. After receiving my first tax return, it didn’t take long to figure out that earned or ordinary income from fixing teeth…

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  • 13 Best Passive Income Apps In 2022 And Beyond

    13 Best Passive Income Apps In 2022 And Beyond

    [Editor’s Note: Today’s article is a guest post from Lyle Solomon is a licensed attorney in California. He has been affiliated with the law firms in California, Nevada, and Arizona since 1991. As the principal attorney of Oak View Law Group, he gives advice and writes articles to help people solve their debt problems.] A commonly asked question is, what’s the difference between…

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  • 7 Streams of Income: The Secret To Becoming a Millionaire

    7 Streams of Income: The Secret To Becoming a Millionaire

    When I began a start up dental specialist practice in 2005, I mainly focused on networking with other dentists for referrals and anything I could to increase new patient numbers. As a matter of fact, this was my MAIN focus for years. You see, shortly after training, marketing companies know that young doctors are hungry…

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  • 3 Ideas For Passive Income From a Plastic Surgeon

    3 Ideas For Passive Income From a Plastic Surgeon

    3 Ideas For Passive Income for college students, med students, dental students & beyond from a recently trained plastic surgeon. [Editor’s Note: Today’s article is a guest post from Dr. Jordan Frey who blogs at The Prudent Plastic Surgeon. He recently completed his training and is now practicing in Buffalo, NY. He’s married with two…

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  • 5 Reasons Physician Side Gigs Are A Must

    5 Reasons Physician Side Gigs Are A Must

    5 Reasons Physician Side Gigs Are A Must Today’s article is from my friend over at Physician On Fire. He retired from medicine at the age of 43 in 2019, having achieved financial independence several years earlier. He started Physician on FIRE to enlighten, educate, and entertain other high-income professionals while discussing money matters of all sorts.…

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  • 25 Best Passive Income Quotes For High Earners

    25 Best Passive Income Quotes For High Earners

    25 Best Passive Income Quotes For Doctors If you’ve been a regular visitor to this blog, you know that I’m a BIG fan of passive income. Why? Because we’re not taught anything about finances during our training and I wanted to do my part to educate you based on my personal experience (even failures!). One…

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  • 13 Top Apps To Make Money For Passive Income

    13 Top Apps To Make Money For Passive Income

    13 Top Apps To Make Money For Passive Income Best Apps To Make Money For An Easy Financial Boost [Editor’s Note: Today’s article is a guest post from Bob, The Frugal Fellow, who is a freelance personal finance writer and blogger. After paying off nearly six figures in student loan debt, he decided to not only…

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  • The 19 Top Passive Income Ideas For 2021

    The 19 Top Passive Income Ideas For 2021

    The 19 Best Ways to Generate Passive Income in 2021 – Passive Income Ideas [Editor’s Note: Today’s article in a guest post from Michael Dinich who blogs over at Your Money Geek.  He’s worked in the personal finance industry since 1999, where he helped families plan for retirement, reduce taxes, eliminate unnecessary expenses, and plan their…

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  • 17 Side Hustle Ideas For Busy Medical Professionals

    17 Side Hustle Ideas For Busy Medical Professionals

    Side Hustle Ideas For Busy Medical Professionals {Editor’s Note: This is a republished post by Robin at Side Jam Biz, for The Money Mix. Robin is a full-time business professional and writes about Gen X’ers dealing with the real-life struggles of money and debt. The article was originally published on The Money Mix.} So you’re…

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  • 4 Rapid Steps: How to Start a Blog For Passive Income

    4 Rapid Steps: How to Start a Blog For Passive Income

    Editor’s note: This post, How To Start a Blog For Passive Income, was written by Real Finance Guy who writes about personal finance and financial guidance. Learn more about the Money Mix Insiders program. 4 Rapid Steps: How to Start a Blog For Passive Income Blogging may not be the sexiest side hustle of all…

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